H-9463 SOPRONHORPACS, Fo Str. 70. 
Tel./Fax: +36 99 365 513
e-mail: betakutato@beta-kutato.hu
HistoryActivitiesR&D TopicsTitle Page


 The main research area: 
  • Developing the technology of sugar beet and other plants production 
  • Biotechnological research
The genetically determined productivity of varietes can only be realized by using proper agrotechnics for different climatic conditions (soil, moisture, sunshine, temperature, etc.). 
 Primary objectives : 
1. Maximise the yield per hectar 
(All agrotechnical measures have to serve this aim) 
- High beet yield 
- Good quality eg. (high sugar content with low molasses)
 2. Rentability of production 
(To use the minimum input for the maximum sugar yield) 
- Optimizing fertilization 
- Using cheaper herbicid combinations 
- Using cheaper fungicids and combinations
 3. Environmental protection 
(Minimalizing the environmental damaging effects of agrotechnical measures) 
- Reduce the use of pesticides 
- Herbicide resistant varietes 
- Seed treatment with insecticides 
- Fungicides with long-term effects
 Materials and methods: 
- Field trials with small plots 
- Greenhouse and growth room experiments 
- Laboratory investigations: 
   - virus laboratory with ELISA 
   - soil and plant investigations  (ICP)
   - phytophatology laboratory   
   - technological quality
   - biogas laboratory (gas analizator, fermentors)
   - plant tissue culture laboratory (PCR gel electroforesis)
 Hungarian co-operations: 
- Ministry of Agriculture 
- Sugar factories 
- Associations of sugar beet growers 
- National Institute for Agricultural Quality Control 
- Universities 
- Plant health and soil conservations stations 
- Seed, fertilizer and chemical companies
 International contacts: 
- Institut für Zuckerrübenforschung Göttingen 
- Zuckerrübenforschung Tulln 
- USDA - ARS Fargo, Salinas 
- INRA Dijon 
- Annual report of sugar beet research 
- Sugar Beet Journal 
- Observer of technical literature about sugar beet 
- Technology for sugar beet cultivation 
- Articles and papers in scientific journals and popular farming press
- Organization and pacticipation on scientific conferences and farmer meetings